Reduce Blindspots and
One-Dimensional Feedback with CBK’s 360° Assessment

Do you feel like you're missing out on important development opportunities?

Are you tired of receiving one-dimensional feedback that only focuses on task completion and productivity? Traditional performance evaluations often leave employees feeling frustrated and uncertain about their growth prospects. The solution? A 360° feedback assessment.

By gathering feedback from multiple sources, including peers, direct reports, and supervisors, a 360° assessment provides a more comprehensive and objective view of an employee's performance. With this information, employees can identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a roadmap for growth and development. Don't settle for limited feedback and missed opportunities – try a 360° feedback assessment today.

Maximize Potential with Our Comprehensive
360° Assessment Process

  • Investigate and develop up to 50 interpersonal questions that appeal to managers, leaders, and C-Suite leaders
  • Group introduction meeting via Zoom
  • CBK distributes survey to participants
  • Compile, analyze and create summary report for each participant
  • Group completion meeting via Zoom
  • Individual debriefing of results

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How 360° Assessments Can Save Your Company Time

Our Assessment Will Give You the Tools for Success


  1. Multi-source feedback: As the name suggests, a 360° assessment involves gathering feedback from multiple sources, such as peers, direct reports, supervisors, and sometimes even customers or clients.

  2. Anonymous feedback: To encourage honest and candid feedback, many 360° assessments are designed to be anonymous, meaning that respondents are not identified by name.

  3. Customizable questions: The questions used in a 360° assessment can be customized to meet the specific needs of the organization or individual being assessed.

  4. Data analysis and reporting: The results of a 360° assessment are typically analyzed and compiled into a report that provides an overview of the individual's performance and areas for improvement. These reports may include graphs, charts, and other visual aids to help users interpret the data.

  5. Development planning: Many 360° assessments include a development planning component, which helps individuals create a roadmap for improvement based on the feedback they receive. This may include setting goals, identifying action steps, and tracking progress over time.

  6. Online administration: Many 360° assessments are administered online, making it easy to collect and analyze data from a large number of participants. Online assessments may also offer features like automatic reminders and progress tracking.


1Who typically uses 360° assessments?
360° assessments are often used in organizations and workplaces as a tool for performance management, leadership development, and talent identification. They may also be used in personal development and coaching contexts.
2What kind of feedback is gathered in a 360° assessment?
360 assessments gather feedback from a range of sources, including peers, direct reports, supervisors, and sometimes customers or clients. The feedback may cover areas such as leadership, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and more.
3How is the feedback gathered in a 360° assessment?
The feedback in a 360° assessment is typically gathered through surveys, interviews, or other forms of data collection. The specific method used may vary depending on the organization or individual conducting the assessment.
4Are 360° assessments anonymous?
Many 360° assessments are designed to be anonymous to encourage honest and candid feedback. Respondents are not identified by name, but their responses are aggregated to provide a well-rounded view of the individual being assessed.
5What kind of reports are generated from a 360° assessment?
The results of a 360° assessment are typically analyzed and compiled into a report that provides an overview of the individual's performance and areas for improvement. These reports may include graphs, charts, and other visual aids to help users interpret the data.
6How is the feedback used in a 360° assessment?
The feedback gathered in a 360° assessment can be used to identify areas for improvement, understand how behavior and actions are perceived by others, and develop a clear roadmap for growth and development. It can also be used to promote open communication, foster a culture of accountability, and provide a clear path for development.
7Can a 360° assessment be used for performance evaluations?
Yes, 360 assessments can be used as part of a comprehensive performance evaluation process. By providing a more well-rounded view of an individual's performance, 360° assessments can help ensure that evaluations are fair, accurate, and objective.
8How often should a 360° assessment be conducted?
The frequency of 360 assessments may vary depending on the organization or individual conducting the assessment. Some organizations conduct 360° assessments annually, while others may use them less frequently. The timing may also depend on factors like the scope of the assessment, the availability of resources, and the specific goals of the assessment.

Meet The Trainer

Karen Nutter
Karen Nutter is an executive coach, trainer, speaker, and author of the book, “The Power of EQ: Stronger Leadership through Emotional Intelligence.” Karen draws on her expertise as a professional coach and her experience as an Executive Director of a marketing team that served seven counties in Florida and as a Vice President of Sales and Marketing for a human resources firm. Throughout her career, Karen has helped professionals develop their understanding of themselves and others, so they can create rewarding interactions personally and professionally.

Read Karen's full bio here.

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