Finding Contentment in a Chaotic World – The Book

Finding Contentment in a Chaotic World – The Book

WHY another book... and WHY CONTENTMENT?

Some of you may be aware that I have searched for contentment my whole life. Others seemed to  get it so easy, yet I could just never get it. WHAT was it? WHY couldn't I feel it too?
Well, I learned it is available for everyone if you put in a little work.  I started writing this book in 2012, but then...  While I had started writing in 2012, every vacation I would take for 2 years was to
vacation, but to write. I could not seem to get it done while in my own environment. I went to many places, including Manasota Key where I would write for 2 hours, then  go looking for shark teeth as a reward for writing. Our brains work the same as dogs  and if we reward ourselves for tasks completed, it makes the task less daunting.  And shark teeth hunting is one of my favorite meditative past times. Fast forward to December 21st
of 2014 and I had told everyone my book would be public on May 15th, 2015.
But that wonderful cool December day, my Marketing  Director came home from a conference where she learned how to promote an  author. She sat in my office and said, “I have good news and bad news!” I had no
idea what would come out of her mouth the next moment!  She stated, “the good news is I know how to promote your book, but the bad news  is you need to write a book on Emotional Intelligence.” I was in shock and was to
say the least a little agitated! She explained from a business perspective why this  was necessary. I took a big gulp and agreed with her to which I replied, “well, get  out of here so I can get to work!” I went to work on The Power of EQ; Stronger Leadership through Emotional Intelligence.
Years have passed since then and writing the EQ book was a great decision professionally and personally but Finding Contentment in a Chaotic World sat on my Desktop and I occasionally noticed it. I never forgot it because the journey and the  message sat in my heart to reveal to the world one day.
In 2020 when covid hit I was busy re-grouping and navigating Zoom calls and  keeping up with the changing times. One day I opened my laptop and there it sat  waiting on me. I started thinking the time was right. My editor and I got to work  quickly, and I was able to revisit my own journey towards “contentment” as we  wrote and rewrote parts of the book. Wow! Did it bring back my grateful heart all over again?!  It brought forth my gratitude for those important people in my life who contributed  towards my growth of contentment as well as the slow journey. My spiritual mentor  Cathy who most of the book is dedicated to, my cousin who one chapter in the book is
dedicated to, and many others who have shown me the way towards contentment through their positive and their negative actions. How to find it and live it, and how  “NOT” to live in contentment.
The book starts out with walking the reader down a path of fear, learning how to know and accept who they are, and finally developing the practices necessary to finding inner peace. I am hoping if you are still here with me, you will feel curious and jump on reading the book.