“The Secret” Analyzed
Now you’re probably thinking that sounds pretty good. I’ll just think about $1,000,000 to come to me and poof, there it is. Unfortunately, it’s as simple as that and as complicated as that.
Yes, the law states that our various thoughts all vibrate at a different rate. That those vibrating thoughts go out into the Universe and attract other like thoughts that vibrate at the same frequency. Thus creating all the good that one would want. But it is also a double-edged sword.
The challenge we face is that of the 60,000 thoughts scientists tell us each of us think in a day, 90%, or 54,000, are negative. This means that we have a 9 in 10 chance of creating negative things in our lives, the very things we don’t want, as opposed to the things we do want. That’s why we so often say the law doesn’t work for us. But it does. But only in reverse.
Now the complicated part. We must bar the door to negative thoughts. But considering that our minds generate so many thoughts in a day that it is near impossible. Except for one unique tool. We feel our thoughts. What I mean by this is your thoughts create feelings. Happy creative thoughts generate feelings of joy and happiness. Negative thoughts generate feelings of fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry and sadness. But, by feeling your negative thoughts, you can choose to change these thoughts to positive ones.
To make the Law of Attraction work for you follow this simple plan. 1) Ask the Universe (or your higher power) for what you want (positive thought). 2) Believe that it will indeed manifest in your life (faith). And, 3) Monitor your thoughts through your feelings. Never allowing negative thoughts to negate the positive ones.
It will take some work, but I can assure you that the law does work. And the results are fantastic!